6月17日15:00-17:00,由深圳国际科技信息中心与AMiner·深圳·科技超脑主办,AI TIME发起,特别邀请图灵奖得主Joseph Sifakis教授,开启“AI TIME Master”专场线上讲坛。这将是一场不容错过的世界级盛宴,在这场盛宴里会有哪些思维碰撞,灵感交融?会解锁哪些前瞻性观点?又会产生怎样的头脑风暴?让我们拭目以待!
We attempt a multifaceted comparison between human and machine intelligence, based on our research on autonomous systems and our recent book (*) analyzing the links between information, knowledge and intelligence. Starting from the observation that there is a great confusion about what intelligence is and how it can be obtained, we discuss the relevance of existing criteria for comparing human and machine intelligence. In addition, we compare the veracity and validity of knowledge produced by humans and machines, showing some notable analogies and differences between scientific knowledge and that produced by neural networks. We highlight autonomy as an important step from weak AI to general AI, present a characterization of autonomous systems, and discuss their main differences from automated systems. We show how some aspects of human intelligence can be modeled by a mental system, i.e., an autonomous system with additional features and mechanisms that account for intelligent behavior. In addition, we identify two characteristic functions of human intelligence and highlight the research challenges in bridging the gap with machine intelligence. We conclude with a look at what the future holds, discussing the societal impact of intelligent systems and the potential for collaboration between humans and machines to push the frontiers of knowledge development and application.
AI TIME源起于2019年,旨在发扬科学思辨精神,邀请各界人士对人工智能理论、算法和场景应用的本质问题进行探索,加强思想碰撞,链接全球AI学者、行业专家和爱好者,希望以辩论的形式,探讨人工智能和人类未来之间的矛盾,探索人工智能领域的未来。